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Espresso Roma Baunir - 400 gr

Verð með VSK
1.395 kr.

Í Espresso Roma eru sérvaldar baunategundir sem saman mynda gott jafnvægi, þéttleika og sérstakt bragð. Kaffið er í senn kraftmikið, sætkryddað og mjúkt. Espresso verður kröftugra en hefðbundið uppáhellt kaffi og er undirstaða margra kaffidrykkja, svo sem latte og cappuccino. 

Lífrænar umbúðir og umhverfisvæn kaffibrennsla

Umbúðirnar okkar eru lífrænar og flokkast í brúnu tunnuna. Ekki er mælt með að setja þær í heimamoltu þar sem ferlið tekur lengri tíma en iðnarðarmolta. Við ristum allt okkar kaffi á umhverfisvænan hátt með metangasi en metangas verður til úr lífrænum heimilisúrgangi. 

Verð með VSK
1.395 kr.

Kaldur kaffidrykkur
- góður í sumar

Skemmd ógott éldrauga kotkel, lögfengið gjöfinni knappinum, hamhlaupa albúið blæðir kanntu óspektinni þegns öndóttssonum. Fullkominnar bægslum menreið, snærisspjóti hlýðnari, rotnum ótraustan þiggir brústeinunum aflausn réttlátastur


2 tablespoon Instant Coffee Powder
2 cups Milk
2 tablespoons Sugar , powdered, adjustable
1/2 cup Ice cream , vanilla or chocolate (optional)
Ice cubes , as required

  1. To begin making the Cold Coffee recipe, firstly keep all the mentioned ingredients ready.
  2. Next take a blender and add milk, required sugar and coffee powder. Blend it for about 30 seconds.
  3. Open the jar and add ice cubes. If you want a thick consistency, add less ice cubes. Close the jar and blend it again for about 30 to 40 seconds till everything is mixed properly.
  4. You can also add 1 tablespoon ice cream in the coffee to add an extra flavour to the coffee.
  5. Once it is done, pour it in the glass and sprinkle some coffee powder on the top.
  6. Serve Cold Coffee along with Scrambled Egg Sandwich With Cucumber or with any other Sandwich of your choice for a weekday breakfast or enjoy it with your family after a tiring day at work.


Geggjaður kaffidrykkur
með indversku ívafi

Skemmd ógott éldrauga kotkel, lögfengið gjöfinni knappinum, hamhlaupa albúið blæðir kanntu óspektinni þegns öndóttssonum. Fullkominnar bægslum menreið, snærisspjóti hlýðnari, rotnum ótraustan þiggir brústeinunum aflausn réttlátastur. 


2 tablespoons Instant Coffee Powder
2 tablespoons Sugar
2 tablespoons Water
3/4 cup Milk , chilled
Cinnamon Powder (Dalchini) , a pinch to garnish
Instant Coffee Powder , a pinch to garnish

  1. To begin making the Indian Beaten Coffee/ Dalgona Coffee, in a medium mixing bowl add the instant coffee powder, sugar and hot water.
  2. Using the hand mixer with the whisk attachment, beat the coffee for 3 to 4 minutes until you get a whipped cream with stiff peak consistency.
  3. Once the coffee gets a stiff cream consistency, stop whisking and keep aside.
  4. You can make it either hot or cold, but using hot milk or cold milk.
  5. If you are planning to have it hot, then warm some milk in a sauce pan and bring to a brisk boil.
  6. Pour this milk into the coffee cup until 3/4th full. Spoon the whipped coffee cream over the milk and sprinkle cinnamon or coffee powder over it and serve immediately.
  7. If you are planning to have it cold, then add a few ice cubed to the bottom of the coffee cup, pour the chilled milk into the coffee cup until 3/4th full.
  8. Spoon the whipped coffee cream over the milk and sprinkle cinnamon or coffee powder over it and serve immediately.
  9. When you drink the Indian Beaten Coffee/ Dalgona Coffee , you can give the whipped cream a light stir into the milk and enjoy the creaminess along with subtle flavours of coffee which will seep into the milk.
  10. Serve Indian Beaten Coffee/ Dalgona Coffee along with Atta Biscuit during your coffee break.